De imitazion di Crist, traduzion furlane

In vuaite sui cunfins [On guard at the borders]

De imitazion di Crist, traduzion furlane
De imitazion di Crist

Chel che al ven daûr di me nol cjamine tal scûr ma al varà la lûs de vite, cussì al dîs il Signôr.

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Compendi de dutrine cristiane, traduzion furlane
Compendi de dutrine cristiane

La dutrine cristiane e je chê insegnadinus di Jesù Crist nestri Signôr, in mût di segnânus la strade de salvece.

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Comprehesive Friulian language lessons for beginners, learn Friulian on the internet
Basic Friulian lessons
Lezions di furlan elementâr

Reclaim the language of your forefathers: A comprehensive introduction to the Friulian language for speakers of English. Lessons and exercises enabling you to take your first strides into Friulian.

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Advanced Friulian language lessons, become fluent in Friulian (friulano)
Advanced Friulian lessons
Lezions di furlan avanzât

For the advanced student of Friulian. Themes include earthquakes, geography and historical events of Friûl. Readings and listening exercises to help you master Friulian on your own.

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Advanced Italian language lessons, become fluent in Italian
Advanced Italian lessons
Lezioni di italiano avanzato

For the advanced student of Italian. Themes include weapons, self-defence, ancient Rome and the Late Crusades. Readings and listening exercises to take you along the path to fluency in Italian.

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Advanced Turkish language lessons, become fluent in Turkish
Advanced Turkish lessons
İleri düzey Türkçe

For the advanced student of the Turkish language. Themes include ancient Rome, Constantinople, the Ottomans and words of Christ. Readings and listening exercises to perfect your Turkish and become fluent.

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Advanced Polish language lessons, become fluent in Polish
Advanced Polish lessons
Polski dla zaawansowanych

For the advanced student of Polish. Themes include patriotism, the history of Poland and Christianity. Readings and listening exercises to sharpen your command of the Polish language.